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/ Compton's Interactive Encyclopedia 6 / Compton's Interactive Encyclopedia (Version 6.0)(Windows)(CIE844EE-CD)(1997).ISO / emb.iob < prev    next >
Unknown  |  1997-07-10  |  8KB

This file was not able to be converted.

Program Identifications
ConfidenceProgramIdentificationMatch Type
100% file Windows Precompiled iNF, version 1.0, InfStyle 1, flags 0x3154424b, unicoded, has strings, volatile dir ids, at 0 " KT$", WinDirPath "�", OsLoaderPath "t", LanguageID 0, at 0xfe SourcePath "", at 0xff InfName " " default
99% file data default
60% TrID WhatsApp encrypted database default
40% TrID DEGAS med-res bitmap default